So where is this balance between family and work?

I think I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that I'm not the only one finding it hard to find a balance between family wnd work life lately. If I'm off base with this one, please feel free to let me know, because right now it seems like most of life is spent trying to keep a small business afloat in a very off economy.
Lately, it seems that one word has become very prevalent in regards to small companies. Survival. Basically by any means necessary. Unfortunately, one of the first places that feels the sacrifice is the home life. Trust me, you will find no lecturing here on that point. I have found I'm as guilty as the rest, if not more so. Not a pleasant thought or great place to find yourself in, no doubt about it. So the question arises, why do we do it? I mean, obviously other than the usual answer of money and making a way to provide for your loved ones.
A lot of introspection lately has led me to some very interesting thoughts concerning just this topic. I think it's easy to say, once you get past the initial guilt about all that you are sacrificing that those that have their own businesses don't just see these entity as a means to an end. To many, they take on a life of their own. In this, they are not merely names on a paper or an invoice, but a personal symbol of success (or failure) that is directly attached to your performance. As if that isn't enough to worry about, these businesses take on a life of their own. They become another children to us. Is that healthy? No, probably not, but wuch is life.
So why does this become so significant to us? Why is this something that we allow to become so all consuming in our lives that we let the other things slide? That becomes a little harder to explain as each person will tend to have their own personal reasons, but it's safe to say the core values will hold true for most of us.
First and foremost, these are extensions of our lives and personalities. Many of us have made rather large sacrifices, both personally and financially, to make these dreams come alive. Do we usually know the amount of work that will be involved down the road? I would say in most cases the answer is a resounding no. I had a general idea, but general ideas aren't worth anything in the grand scheme of things. We put our blood, sweat and tears into these endeavors and take things relating to them VERY personally. That's human nature, unfortunately. Wish we could get beyond it, but no one has figured it out yet, no matter how much they proclaim otherwise
Why is that first point so important? Because it lays the foundation for the reason why the next issues and actions occur. Why we are so willing to let work so complete devour our lives and time. If you haven't figured out where I'm going with this yet, let me lay it out clearly for you. These businesses are not only jobs, they are another child. Another part of the family. Does this cause issues? There is no doubt about that. Is there an easy answer? God I wish there was but I sure haven't figured it out yet. What it comes down to is where you rank this family member. As much as it pains me to say so, in these uncertain times, the business can't be left alone to survive and thrive. More time and effort than ever has to be put into it in hopes of making it through this difficult economy and world.
Why do I say this without having any answers? Well, two reasons. One, to let you know you're not alone. There is a large amount of guilt placed squarely on our shoulders because of the sacrifices we are making. Sacrifices that we hope to be able to make up to our real family one day. But for the moment, the best we can hope for is understanding from those that love us. Is that fair? Not by a longshot, but this is real life we're talking about, so fair need not apply.
Secondly, I hope this clears at least a few consciences and allows a little more sleep at night instead of worrying and wondering about the things that I do. In some form or another, many of us are thinking about exactly the same thing, in some form or another.
All I can offer is to let you know that you're not alone. There are more of us in this boat than you would imagine, so keep on breathing and treading water. The payoffs will come to us down the road. Just making it through now is all that there is to be concerned about.
And whenever possible, stop to smell the roses. Even if it means working until the early hours of the morning to make up for lost time while everyone else is asleep, take some time out to enjoy the ones you love. Because they are sacrificing for you, too, whether you realize it or not.
Good luck and God bless to all of us in the same boat.


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